Multitiered Systems of Support (MTSS)
Our Team
MTSS Intervention Procedures
MTSS/RtI. All decisions for improving student performance and serving the needs of struggling students are based on student data. MTSS/Response to Intervention integrates assessment and intervention within a multi-level prevention system to maximize student achievement and reduce behavior problems. The following steps are a regular part of the RLOA MTSS/RTI process.
Step One: Preliminary RTI Determinations
Spring MAP data or data from similar assessments to include assessments to include the i-Ready Fountas and Pinnel, Dibels, and Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBERS) and teacher input are used to make preliminary decisions regarding student services. For example, students who perform significantly below grade level on the Spring i-Ready (or other standardized benchmark assessment) are scheduled for small group or one-on-one RTI instruction for the following year.
Step Two: RTI Placement Revision/State Testing Data Analysis
After the South Carolina Ready Assessment results are received and reviewed, the MTSS team--including the school counselor--meets to analyze SC Ready data for year-to-year growth or decline. This data is used to refine MTSS/RTI and instructional placements/recommendations made in the Spring. SC Ready data is compared to MAP data and other assessments to include the i-Ready, Fountas and Pinnel, Dibels, and Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBERS) and teacher input to ensure the scheduling of student services reflect the needs of the student.
Step Three: Data Conferencing
SC Ready, MAP data, and other assessments to include the i-Ready , Fountas and Pinnel, Dibels, and Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) are reviewed with classroom teachers upon their return in the summer. Grade level/individual teacher data meetings are held to discuss grade level
and individual student data. Teachers will share what school or other resources are being utilized in their classroom effectively. The team will discuss and determine any additional professional development training needed to implement school resources effectively.
Step Four: Administration of the Fall Benchmark Assessment
The Fall i-Ready and other assessments to include Fountas and Pinnel, Dibels, and Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBRS) are administered when students return to school in August. These scores help us measure summer learning loss. They also determine how teachers will review curriculum mapping and make necessary adjustments to long range plans to meet student needs. The Fall assessment results also indicate or confirm the appropriate MTSS/RTI tier placement for each student.
Step Five: Progress Monitoring
One on one meetings are held weekly throughout the school year to examine classroom data. Teachers are expected to come to their meetings with reflection questions answered and evidence of appropriate, standards-based, formative data. In instances where teachers feel that students need more practice or support, an action plan is developed to address these needs. Quarterly parent meetings are held with the MTSS/RTI team. Two other i-Ready benchmark assessments such as Fountas and Pinnel, Dibels, and Social Academic Emotional Behavior Risk Screener (SAEBERS) are given throughout the year to measure for growth. One assessment administration is given in the Winter (December) to check for growth or decline mid-year, and a final administration is given in the Spring to measure growth or decline. Students are recognized for meeting or exceeding their projected growth goals. Teachers recognize their own students, as well as public recognition and celebration at the end of the school year.
Our current MTSS/RTI program includes an MTSS Director, RTI Director, reading and math interventionists, mental health counselor, and paraprofessionals to address the significant social, emotional, and academic needs of our students.