About Me...

Welcome to Mrs. Hooper's class! I am so glad that your student is in my class this year!  I started my career in 1993 after getting married, took some time off to have children, John William, Jr., 27, Rebecca,25, and Lauren, 23. I also have 3 dogs, and 4 grandcats.I have taught in Savannah Chatham County school system, Bryan County School System, and started a Preschool that is still going strong at my church.  I came to Royal Live Oaks in October of 2012. I enjoy my job so much, that it doesn't seem like a job! My goal is to get all students to strive to do their best, and exit our program. 
(843)784-2630 ext. 3008 (rm- 311)
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Amy Hooper
Special Education Teacher
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