
Welcome Families!
A major goal of the RLOACS's Title I program is to encourage greater involvement of parents in the education of their children in partnership with Title I and their school.

ROLACS recognizes the necessity and value of parent involvement to support student success and academic achievement.

Office of Federal Programs & No Child Left Behind: School-wide planning will occur during PTA and SIC meetings as well as monthly Title I Parental Involvement meetings.

Gavin's Law

Gavin's Law, Act 54 of 2023 promotes safety and awareness among our students, parents or guardians, the public, and school personnel regarding the dangers and consequences of sexual extortion. Royal Live Oaks Academy's compliance policy is linked below. 
SC Instructional Materials 
State Board of Education Regulation 43-170 requires that instructional materials be age and developmentally appropriate and aligned with and supportive of South Carolina’s instructional program. Age and developmentally appropriate means topics, messages, materials, and teaching methods suitable to particular ages or age groups of children and adolescents, based on developing cognitive, emotional, and behavioral capacity typical for the age or age group. 

For any complaints of instructional materials see form below.