
Learn More About Testing at RLOACS


Royal Live Oaks Academy utilizes a variety of assessments to ensure all K-12 students meet the expected level of academic performance. Students take formative and summative assessments to guide daily and weekly instruction. The school employs the assistance of benchmark assessments at the beginning, middle and end of the year. RLOA also administers specific assessments required by South Carolina and federal law. Additional assessments aligned with college preparation are equally administered, some are optional and others are required and measure factors that signal college readiness and contribute to college acceptances. Find all assessments listed on the 2024-2025 school testing calendar. 


Please contact Testing Director, Nohora Williams with any questions.

You can learn more about testing by visiting the SC Department of Education's page for Parents and Students. 
Parent Reminders:
  • Appointments and other out-of-school functions should not be scheduled on testing days.
  • Revise our school electronic device policy. Students may not be in possession of any electronic devices during testing.